
Thursday, 19 December 2019

Brave people

Today for the SLJ we had to make a google drawing and on the google drawing we had to writ down some brave stuff that people did. 

When i went to the moon

Today we had to make a poem about you being on the moon.


For the SLJ we had to make a google drawing and writ about SPCA.

Solo flying

Today for the SLJ we had to make a Venn diagram about Jean Batten,Amelia Earhart.We had to writ 3 facts about the two characters.

Wednesday, 18 December 2019


For the SLJ we had to find were are family member lives.

Monday, 16 December 2019


The first thing we had to do for the SLJ was we had to writ down same food names that we are going to take.

Wednesday, 11 December 2019

Kiwi can

This week was fun week for kiwi can we started to play Hot Potato.We had to get into a srcl and we had to sing Hot potato,Hot potato,Hot potato fast,Hot potato slow,Hot potato,Hot potato out you go.And the person that one got to pick the next game.And the next game that we played was musical cones.It's like musical chairs but with cones.And the next game we played was Billbillbop.If he says billbillbop you have to say bop befour he says bop.And if he says bop and you say somthing  your out.And billbillbop was the lust game.

Monday, 9 December 2019

Activity 1: New Zealand Royalty

This week is the Teaser Week for the Manaiakalani Summer Learning Journey.Today I was working with Joseph to make this amazing Profile poster about this singer called Lorde. One of the songs that she made is called Royals.  I found it interesting that Lorde was signed after wining the talent show with her friend Louie. 

Friday, 6 December 2019


This week for writing we did TOPES for are narrative we had to writ about navl ship and how they were going to get out of the storm. 

Kiwi can

This week for kiwi can some of as did not this word but some of as did no the word.And then we played mirror in this game you had to get a buddy and all of us had to get into a line and we had to copy what the other prison was doing.Then we went outside and we played a game called shot we don't no what the actual name of the game is.We had to get into four lines and we had to pass the ball to the person that is in front and after all that we when back to class.


This week for maths we had to make a quiz game.And we had to have questions like Measurement,4 Operations,Statistics,Fraction,Geometry and Place Value.If the person gets the answer incorrect we had to teach them how to do it.


LI: to skim and scan for information.
This week for reading we did a treasure hunt.We had to scan throw the books that read.And we had to find directed speech and reported speech and speech vocabulary.

Thursday, 5 December 2019

Kiwi sport

This week for kiwi sport we all went to each neat and we played against each other and when we had to go sit down there were four more people left and the had to face against each other first up was Anderw and Sulia and Sulia won against Anderw next was Alayah and Hosea were playing.But Hosea lost against Alayah.Then Alayah and Sulia face against each other and i dont no who won because I wasn't paying attention and then we said goodbye to coach Peter and then we all went back to class.

Friday, 29 November 2019


LI. To play doubles Tennis.
Doubes tennis is when two players play against other players.Both plyers on each team should have turns at hitting the ball.The person closer to the ball should hit the ball.We practised by playing doubles.

Basic Facts boxes

Today for my basic facts boxes i did two of the addition and two of subtraction.

SSR Selfie

Today for my ssr selfie i red a book that was so amusing.


This week for writing we went on the LS1 sites and went on to extras and we had to writ a comment on Describing.We had to writ a funny commenced so we can blog it.

Coffee shop game

This week we had to take screenshots of a game that we stared to do.We had to see how much money we can make in 14 days.And well we were playing we had to make a sceencastify video of the day ruining.

Thursday, 28 November 2019


This week for maths for some of Mr O's maths group went to the hall and the resat stayed in LS1 doing Today's number.And that's what i did i did the today's number.Some of them i got wrong but i just did it.So i can finish it.

Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Kiwi can

LI:To respect others for their differences.

Everyone has their own beliefs/ideas/customs.

Hold your tongue (think about what you should say before saying anything).

Learn about other cultures,religions,and,customs.

Activity: spot the difference.

  • pairs
  • one person changed appearance
  • other person tried to spat difference.
  • swapped roles and repeated.

Thursday, 21 November 2019


LI: To compare fiction text.
This week for reading we did other follow up takes.And the book that we read was called The king's Treasures.In the book the king gets a nightmare about the guards selling the money.

Wednesday, 20 November 2019

kiwi can

This week for kiwi can we were learning about patience.Then we stared to play a game in this game we had to try and get the other person hand. Then we learned about what patience mean.So we played a game outside in this game you had to get into a line and you had to squeeze there shoulders and the first one to get the cane wins.

Friday, 15 November 2019


This week for inquiry we had Mr Ogilvie Friend come here to tolled as about her companies.
Then she was tallying as how much there was going to be in 2050 and she showed as how
much there is this year.Then we tolled her same questions.Then she showed the young version
of Mr Ogilvie.

Kiwi sport

This week for kiwi sports were learning how to play tennis.We all went to each neat.Then we all got in to groups.Then we we played some games and we practised are upper hit. 

Wednesday, 13 November 2019

Kiwi can

This week for kiwi can we were talking about what we did last week.Then we played a game called musical cones.This game is just like musical chairs but you had to dunce and when the music stop we all had to grab one but if you don't get one you are out.Then we were talking about what the game was about.

Manaiakalani film festival

Today i watched We got this video from Tamaki College it was amazing.

Tuesday, 12 November 2019


LI: to comprehend fiction texts.
This will be here until week 7.
This week for reading we did anther follow up task.We had to pick anther book from the folder.The book that i did was The amazing humans.The book was about the people in the zoo trying to go back to earth then a alien helped back to earth.

Friday, 8 November 2019


This week for cybersmart we had to find a legal image.


This week for writing we had to writ about the 3 little pigs in topes. Topes sand for Titie,Orientation,Problem,Evants and Solution.Then we had to put it in order.


This week for reading we did a follow up tasks.Then we had to pick a book of a sites and one of the books that i did we Up the Guts.

Kiwi sport

This week for kiwi sport we got back into what we where doing last week.Then we sat down and put the ball on the net.And if it fell on you side you had to hit it to your body.

Kiwi can

This week for kiwi can we were talk about what Tavea means. Then we played a games called Rock,paper,scissors.In this game if you win guest someone you had to go one your knees and you had to vs some that's on there knees as wall.Then we sat down and talk about what that game was about.Then Mr Sea mano came and we played a game called sings.In this game you had to sing pig,pig,oink,oink,or,doge,doge,wof,wof,or,tiger,tiger,ra,ra,And the last won was kitten,kitten,meow,meow. After all that the tiger won and the pigs came second place.Then we talk about that game was about.Then we went to kiwi sport.

Friday, 1 November 2019


This week for maths we had to do questions on the whit brood we had to find two ways to find the answer.We had 4 of them until Alayah rube it out.Then Mr Oglivie rot new ones.


This week for writing we were writing about the three little pigs.For this task we had to get into group's of 4.We had to retell the story about the three little pigs.


This week for reading we made a follow up task.Then we did all the task all of the task were kind of hard to do.

Thursday, 31 October 2019


This week for cybersmart we learn about legal and illegal.We talk about what legal and illegal and we had to find sites about legal and illegal.

Kiwi sport

LI:To learn the basic grip on a tennis racket.
This week for kiwi sport we had a new coach called coach Peter.We stared of with a warm up,We got into pours.One person dropped a ball the other tried to catch it.This warm up our reactions.Then we all stop and we sat down and move on to the activity. Learning the forehand and backhand technique.Forehand-one hand at the bottom of the racket.This our dominate hand.Backhand two hands of the racket,dominate hand stays on the bottom,other hand hole above the bottom hand.Then we all side goodbye to coach Peter. 

Wednesday, 30 October 2019


This week for moari we did a takes called Ko wai to hoa.

Kiwi can

This week for kiwi can we were talking about what we did last week.Then we play a game called The leader (This is just a mad up name). In this game we had to do what the leader side.The first one we did was we had  to clap at the same time.The next one we had to was spell respectful and one letter per person.Then we had to spell panmure bridge backwards from the E to the P.Then we talk about what that game was about.After that we play a other game called tangled.In this game you had to grab some hand and you and your group had to UN tangled and get into a circle.Then we did not have a niff time to play a gen.Then we went back to class.

Friday, 25 October 2019


Today i commend on Sasuke writing blog post.


This week for maths we had to do stem and leaf.We had to get into groups and role and role a dice and add them up.

Basic Facts boxes

Today for my Basic Facts boxes i did my addition and subtraction up to 10 and down to 10.

SSR Selfie

Today for my SSR Selfie i read a book called The adventure of Anders.


This week for reading we had to make a follow up takes and you had to pick a fiction book from sun shine classics.


LI:To sort it out.
This week for Inquiry we had to get into groups.And we had to sort out which one was the correct answer.

Thursday, 24 October 2019


practice recount
This week for writing we had to make another practice recount but this time we had to writ about where we ate.So i was writing about the time i went to KFC/Kentucky Fried Chicken.And i did not writ that much.


For maori me and my group did the name's of the gods.And we had to guess what the names of the gods were.

Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Kiwi can

This week for kiwi can we were talking about what we did lust week and what we were learning about.Then we played a game could VS,in this game we had to pick a side to see which won was better and why is it better.After that game we were talking about what that game was about.Then we play a game called wisdom vs this game we split into two groups and one of the groups went with Mrs Mac and the other group went with Mr Sea Manu.After that we had a little talk about what we learn.Then we play some J,K,Q after that we had a game of bag and Lukah won the game and then we had to go back to class.

Friday, 18 October 2019


This week for maths we made a chart and it is cold Length of pencils in LS1 and the round 1234 is down and 56789 is up.And we had to explain what we did.Then we had to measure ten pencils with a ruler.Then we put are data into a google graft.
Length of pencils

Thursday, 17 October 2019


This week for writing we play a game could steady stick.In this game you had to get into buddy's and on monday my buddy was Joshu and Rj.And my buddy today was Mr Wong.



This week for reading we had to pick a book from sunshine classics and the book i did was what is a rock.Then we had to make a quiz about the book you read.

Wednesday, 16 October 2019


Mrs Fireodie told us to make groups of seven before we did anything.There are three groups of seven we are the first group and the first task we did as a group was talk with the teacher well she speaks maori.She would say things like who are you or whats your dads name in maori and we would say their name or our name. She would try and trick us like instead of saying who are you when it's meant to be "whos your grandads name.


This week for swimming was are last week of swimming.We had to put on some life jackets on.Then we had to try and make a line of people in the pool.Then we had to go to the wall and we had to take one.   

Kiwi can

LI:To learn how to respect ourselves and other thing/people.
This week for kiwi can we were in the theatre and we had a new topic and that topic was respect.And then we had a new teacher called Si Manou. And the we played a game called fruit.In this game we had to listen to the instructions.So we got into a circle and play the game.After that we play a game of truth or false in this game we had to find which is the truth by going to one of the sides of the theatre. 

Wednesday, 25 September 2019

RWC Players

In this activity for the RWC we had to search to find out the positions for these rugby players and also find out there caps and age. A cap is a try and most of the of the players have a lot.

World Time's

LI: apply inquiry, literacy and numeracy skills to learn about the rugby world cup.
This week we are doing a RWC (rugby world cup) challenge, We are using our skills we have learned this year so far. This includes numeracy,literacy and inquiry. Our first numeracy task was world time,we basically had to search what JST (japan standard time) to New zealand time and to other countries. The countries on the table show what time in the world the will world cup final will happen.

AM means ante meridiem, that means before midday like 12:00, post meridiem which means after 12:00. Massive countries like Russia have different time zones unlike small countries like Fiji that has a uniform timezone (uniform timezone means the same time).

Rube Goldberg machine

LI:To make a working Rube Goldberg machine with the 6 simple machines.
This week for inquiry we had to make shore that are Rube Goldberg machines work. The challenge was to make shore that your machine will work.The simple machines that i was using was the putter we had to had to try and get the tennis ball into the goal by using are machine.To make are machine we yest,domino's,a balloon,a yo-yo,a putter and a tennis ball.     

What i will do differently
If i was to change it differently i would  get a hand ball and put pins all around it.
In my team there was Te Raumati,Leon,Leitu and Marcaiyla.   

Friday, 20 September 2019


Today for my commenting i post a comet on johns reading blog post.

Basic Facts boxes

Today for my basic facts boxes i did two of the addition and two of subtraction.

SSR Selfie

LI: to summarise and retell a text
This wek for my SSR Selfie i read a book called The Titanium Ninja.


This week for writing we had to show Mr Wong are advertisement he will say hi will buy it our he wont buy it.