
Monday, 16 August 2021


 LI: To draw and label your own hauora diagram.

In order to be able to perform at their best athletes need to have a four walls of the whare tapawha standing. We created this poster to show what each wall represents and why it is important. I found out that if you arn't feeling really happy and one of your walls fall down, that means every other wall will fall aswell unless you pick yourself up and keep pushing yourself to be positive. I enjoyed making this poster because other people can read it and learn how to win without shoving it in other peoples faces.

Ancient Olympic Games Presentation

LILI: To skim and scan to find facts about the Ancient Olympics and make notes in my own words.

We used our reading time this week to find out about the Ancient Greek Olympics. Once we had made our notes and reorganised our information we collaboratively created a presentation. I found out that if married women were caught in the olympic stadium then they would get thrown off Mt Olympis. I enjoyed learnning more about the ancient Olmpic Games.

Monday, 9 August 2021

Hauora olympics

Athletes know how to win without showing off to the other Athletes.They also know how to lose without having a bad thought on losing to the other Athletes, they can just be happy with what they have and know what they did is good enough. And don't be angry, you just need to be proud of what you have done for your family, your country and yourself.

By Carter and Akuhata

Friday, 6 August 2021

Tech: Tamaki College:Coding with Python

LI: To see and understand the connection between the written code, the block code and the flow chart.

This is the comparison between the Python coding, the blocks and the flowchart for making the Microbit act like a dice.

Link To DLO

Wednesday, 4 August 2021

Mindfulness reflection 1

Today we were focusing on Mindfulness. Mindfulness is like working on yourself, focusing on now, having a positive mindset, taking care of your body and many more. I've learnt about the Green Zone and the Red Zone, the Green and Red Zone are two different Zones/categories. The Red Zone is basically being uncalm, negative, fastrated and stressed. The Green Zone is being calm, focused, relaxed, balanced and peaceful. If you were in a bad situation do you think being in the Red Zone would help you? We have used the Mindfulness bell as we focused on our breathing. The Mindfulness bell helps you focus on breathing and calming down. Something I learnt about Mindfulness is that 'Mindfulness is a practice that pushes away negative thoughts and focuses on well being/mental health.

Friday, 30 July 2021

Our First Olympians :Medal for the Olympic Games

LI: To design a medal for the Olympic Games using google draw. 

This week for reading we learn about the first brownze medal in New Zealand history. We had to try and create are own medal and design it.

Flow Charts and Radio Chat

LI: To understand how flowcharts relate to coding blocks.

LI: To understand how to get the microbit to talk to another microbit using radio signals.

Here is my flowchart practice document.

Link to DLO

The next activity today was coding the microbit to send a radio signal to another microbit. We had to make sure that both microbits were on the same group number so we didn't accidentally get a message from another group.

Monday, 26 July 2021

6 polish swimmers sent home from olympics

LI: To find the important information in a current event.

This week for Reading we learnt about author's purpose. Authors write for a purpose/reason. These reasons are to Persuade, Inform, Explain or Entertain (PIE).

First we looked at Kiwi Kids News to find a article. Then, we made a copy of the Current Events DLO and answered these questions:





The article i was reading about was called 6 Polish swimmers sent home from olumpics.

Friday, 9 July 2021


 LI: To try and get the mBot to draw a star shape for Matariki

This week the year 8s of LS2 coded the mbots to drive in a star alligned path. To make the code we used different action codes (moving, wheels, etc). We used a code that allows the mbot to move forwards, left and right, and the seconds the mbot has to do the task at. We drew a star on a large piece of paper and we tested our mbot on the paper. After we have tested our first one we made changes to further improve our mbot code. 

Thursday, 8 July 2021


 LI: To strengthen our connections to Matariki.

Matariki is the Maori new year celebration. It takes places each year when the cluster of stars known as Matariki are seen in our skies. The new year is a time for new beginnings and is a time to embrace tradition.
To strengthen our connections to Matariki we had a choice of research activities.

I found out that you can see matariki on the north east of the sky.
I enjoyed finding more about matariki because i can know more about it in the future.

Thursday, 1 July 2021

Greek Gods

LI: To use our smart searching skills to find information about the Greek gods

Today David shared his reading challenge with us. It is all about the Greek gods and helps us to practise the skills we have been learning in our reading lessons with our teachers. 

David created this task as part of his CARE award challenges. We earn CARE award badges in year 7 and 8 to show that we understand our school values. In this activity we used our smart searching skills to find information to help us complete the table.

I found this activity cool and interesting because I got to learn diffrent things about greek gods and got to identifiy the diffrent greek gods and godess.

The Greek god I found most interesting is Ares because he's is the god of war and courage and I respect that. His life story is also intresting.

Tuesday, 29 June 2021


 LI: To edit our writing using DRAFT.

This week for writing we wrote abstract noun poems in pairs. We were learning about abstract noun. abstract noun our something that exists but cannot be touched. Our abstract noun poem was about Peace. An abstract noun includes the 5 senses (Touch/ feel, taste, hear, see and smell), punctuation ( Capital letters, .), complex sentences, metaphors and similes After we finished writing our poems we used the DRAFT (Delete, Rearrange, Add, Fix, Talk)  process to check our poem with draft we can make correct errors in our writing.

Friday, 25 June 2021

Rock Paper Scissors

 LI:To learn jow to cod the micrbit to play Rock Paper Scissors and understand how to flowchart matches the code.

Link to DLO

  1. When we shake the micrbit. It will choes a random number betwen 1 and 3.
  2. I ahev to make a variables called hand and set this to the random number.
  3. If the unmber is 1 the microbit will choses paper. 
  4. If the unmber is 1 the microbit will choses Rock. 
  5. If the unmber is 1 the microbit will choses scissors.  

Thursday, 24 June 2021


  LI: To write an abstract noun senses poem.

For our writing task this week we are working on poems and metaphors. Our metaphor poem was about sadness. A metaphor is describing something as something else without using “like” or “as.” an abstract noun is a noun describing an idea, for example see, taste, feel, smell and hear. We  worked on this task as a group. After coming up with our poem we create a DLO.

This task was fun because we learned how much creativity we have.

Wednesday, 9 June 2021

Book Week

LI: To celenrate reading.

This week is book week. Book week is where you dress up as a preson from a book.Befour we started LS2 had a little accident at Tech but we got back in time to start book week assembly.Also this week is samoa language week.We sang the duffy song and O le pepe and after that Mrs White and Mr Goodin showed there favorite book to the school.Then when Mr Johnson was talking their was a surprise from Spider man he was carwling towards the stage.He was telling us a short story and after he was done telling his stroy he went to find a preson and he choes a kid who was dress up as Batman and after that he evrey body class took a photo with ecah other and then book week assembly has stopped after and everyone in LS2 got one jr and gerped a book and read it to them.And everybody had lunch after that we went to class and did our work.

Friday, 4 June 2021

Student led conferences

 LI: To shaer out leaning with our families.

Last night was Student led conferences.Student led conferences is when your parents or anyone who looks after you come and see your work.I took my mum and she was really inprest of what i have done and showed her evrey thing me and my class has done throw out this tream.And luck i had a scritp to remind me what to say.  

Being a Jedi in Coding

 Grogu | Wookieepedia | Fandom

LI: To code the robot to move backward without touching it.

Today at Tamaki College the year 8's started to do robotics. In robotics, we focused on using sensors by using the force. We first learnt about ultrasonic, which means sound waves that can't be heard by people. Once we learnt about ultrasonic, we started coding our m-bots on m-block to sense our hand, so it goes the other way. When we did our codes, we wrote the input, algorithm, and output of our code on a google slide and included a video showing our m-bots sensing our hand.

Wednesday, 2 June 2021

Cinquain Poem

 LI: To write a cinquain poem to describe a sports star

We have been learning to write cinquain poems to help us strengthen our connections to description. A cinquain poem has 5 lines. Each line has a different purpose. Line 1 is a noun which is a name. Line 2 has 2 adjectives taht describe the noun. Line 3 has 3 verbs that end in ‘ing’ and describe the actions. Line 4 is a noun phrase which is a group of words (not a sentence) that go together to describe the noun. Line 5 is a synonym which is a word with a similar meaning to the noun.

I enjoyed this activity because i could describe the prson who you are wirting about.

My Reading Pathway

 LI: To show my personal journey through books

This week is book week at Panmure Bridge School, which means every class participates in a number of reading activities. One of our activities was to create a reading pathway that shows how my favourite books have changed over time. At the moment I like reading Red Rocks because It is a verey cool book to read.

Friday, 21 May 2021

ASB Getwise

 This week monday we went into room 1 to go and learn how to make smart choch wtih money.We played a game that made us make good chouses with are money.We got into groups of four or five befour we starterd to play we had to pick names my groups name was Spend Some Get Some.The person that was teaching us told us the rules about the game.Then the game begain we started to spand are money we could used the credit card but there are consacent if you use $300 from the credit card you would have to pay the $300 if you dont pay it the money ries by $100  you must or at the end of the game you will be indet and you will be borck.

Friday, 14 May 2021


 LI: To use our smart searching skills to find out about pulleys.

There are 6 different types of simple machines. This week we learnt about pulleys. Our DLO shows our labelled diagrams of a pulley system. A labelled diagram is an information picture. Pulleys are A pulley is a support tool that is used to lift heavy loads. It can change the direction of the force that is constantly applied.

Did you know that the pulley is used on homes and in homes.

Monday, 12 April 2021

Duffy assembly

LI: To understand how reading can change one's life.

Today we had Marc from Duffy come and talk to us about the importance of reading and how reading can make a big impact on your life.  Although Marc had some challenges in his life he used reading as a tool to get through the hard times.  Marc believes that there is only CANs and not CAN’Ts.
I found this activity fun because I got to
learn the history. 

Friday, 9 April 2021

Kokako Infographic

LI: To create an infographic using google draw that tells your audience facts about the kokako.

This week, everyone in LS2 has been given a set of different challenges based on our camp. For this activity we used our smart searching skills to find information about the North Island Kokako bird. I found this activity Fun because I learn more about the kokako.

5 minutes of Camp

 LI: To recount a 5 minute snapshot of one experience you had at camp

The time was 10:10 the teacher told us what to do and she said to make sure you're sitting down and she needs two people to help her one of them is holding and giving the rope to the next person who is the back up holder and then you have the teacher who holds the rope.

The time was 10 something then the first person went (not saying who they are) I saw that the first person was sacred and i think she was sacred when she got down we waited for a second.

The time was 10:49 (I think) and the second person went on she was (I forgot)THen she didn't do a dunce.Then the next person went on we weren't encouraging in him that much until Mrs Carolin come on guys encourage him them we started to encourage him and he made it across he did a push up then the next person went up he was kind of sacred but he just made it across he did nothing and he just got down.Then the next person went on he was really confidence he made it across no sweat and he just did a start jump

Then i went on i just wanted to get it over and done with and i just went over so i went hug the poll and just wanted to get of it.Then the next person went on and when he went on it i told him to slap the poll Then it was done we all said thank you and said bye

Last week we went to camp at Kokako Lodge. My 5 minute snapshot shows my personal voice and I have tried hard to paint a picture with my words to describe what I was doing and how I felt.I found this activity hard because I couldnt remeber that much of the high beam but the only thing i remeber is haveing fun.

Camp Collage

LI: To create a collage of your camp highlights.

 This week LS2 have been celebrating our camp. I created this collage to show my time at camp and the activities I enjoyed. To make my collage effective I thought about the size of the images, the angle of the images and I tried hard not to leave any gaps between the photos I found this activity fun because I injoyed looking at the photos that the teachers took of us.  

Friday, 19 March 2021

Tech reflection

This week the year 8 boys and girls gotta build their designs. Mr Grundy told us before we used the dangerous things we had to measure our pieces then we could use the dangerous things.

But i didn't get up to that bit because i was still trying to measure my drawing.Then Mr Grundy showed us how to uses a saw.Were not supposed to push down when were cutting the wood.

Then after that it was time to go.   

Friday, 12 March 2021


L.I to plan our woodwork

Today Panmure bridge went to Tamaki college for tech we drawed what we wanted to build so for example if You want to build a skateboard you will need to sketch it out to see what it will look like and where the joints will go were the wheels are going. And we had to show him are work and he would say which one you want to do and we picked on.

Thursday, 11 March 2021


 LI:To explain the what the book was about.

This week for reading Kea and Kakako work together to read a book about a woman getting a tattoo called a malu. We read each paragraph so everyone can have a turn at reading. We had to make a summarising and find 20 words and take 6 most important words and with those 6 words we made sentences. 

Monday, 8 March 2021

Ko wai ahau?


Kia ora my name is Akuhata and I am a year 8 at panmure bridge school I have 3 older brothers and 2 older sisters my favourite sport is touch and volleyball. I love listening to music that I download and my favourite places to go is the pools and rainbow end. My culture is maori but I do not know that much. And my favourite are KFC,Dominoes,Fish and Chips.My hobbies are watching YouTube. And my goals are getting more work done.

Thursday, 25 February 2021

Kapa Haka Trip

Yesterday the LS2 boys went to a museum be four we went to the museum we had two people introduce them self. The first person to introduce them self was Mota Ngarimu and the next person to introduce was Mota Kingi  and they showed us a video of what the museum was but the volume wasn't working right so we turned it off and they told us about a quiz there are 4 parts of the puiz that we had to find what name of the mountain the museum sits on, name of the museum in maori,name of two shorthand weapons name of two longhand weapons names.When we arrived at the museum and we had morning tea and we only explored the moari section and we learnt a lot of things and we eat some pizza and we did some Kapa Haka And then we left.

Thursday, 18 February 2021

Know you keybored

LI: To know how to use your keyboard. 

This week for cybersmart we are learning how to use are keys on are keyboard.We had to go on a site so we know how to use are keys. 


  L.I to develop Leadership skills. 

Leadership, is a vital key into being succesful in the future. With Leadership we are able to overcome negative situations, and become more confident. In this DLO, Rj, Moti, Carter, Akuhata & I have worked together to complete this DLO. :

Why it is important to be hydrated

LI: To understand why staying hydrated is important for our health and learning.

After defining hydration and dehydration we worked collaboratively to use our smart searching skills to help us find facts that would teach others why it is important for our health and learning.I found this activity hard because I did not know what hydration and dehydration was. I found this activity … because I …

Thursday, 11 February 2021


LI: To plan and carry out a statistical investigation

Today we carried a statistical investigation by asking our classmates what their favourite colour is. We recorded their answers and then we cut out the answers and stuck them on an A3 piece of 

paper.Then we made a DLO so we can measure what the most favourite colour in the classes.

Wednesday, 10 February 2021

Summarising/treaty of waitangi

LI: To explain in fewer words what the text is about

Today we expand our knowledge of the Treaty of Waitangi.The treaty was
made by the British and signed by multiple chiefs of Aoteroa. The
British broke the treaty over time and in return made violence for
many years. Then years later the war stop and Aoteroa people put to a