LI: To create a piece of insect art
This week for our activity 4, from a summer learning journey. We were inspired by art creations by Raku Inoue . We went outside and collected leaves, twigs, and other plant debris to create our own insect images that we thought could make an insect out of native wood or other fresh , uneven , dead plants . Something i found interesting about doing this activity was exploring through the native in our school and being able to be creative and find plants or sticks twigs that i thought could make a creative insect.I found it quite hard to find my items to create my insect because i was thinking about to much insects so i went for a simple one and chose to do a stick insect . I enjoyed this activity because I got to explore with my friends to find my insects items and I got to hear what they were doing and it gave me ideas . Here are three interesting things about stick insects : Stick insects have eyes but there vision is a bit poor but they don't ears but they can sense important sounds , It takes about 8 months for stick insects to hatch from there eggs , Stick insects can live upto 5 years but female stick insects can live as twice as male stick insects live .