
Thursday, 20 December 2018

Wednesday, 19 December 2018


Today i have commentd on Chris

Basic Facts boxes

This my Basic Facts boxes.


Do you no what WWF stand for yes or no it stand for World Wildlife Fund i do not no what  World Wildlife Fund is but i think it is a cool sites.


This is a geckos this one is from New zealand it is cool because i never seen a list before in real life.


This is The fantastic beasts i have not read this book ro sen the  movie and i dont like fairy tales.

Tuesday, 18 December 2018

SSR Selfie

This is my SSR Selfie.


This is a cool thing that i have found from the SUMMER LEARNING JOURNEY you should go on to the LS1 sites and you will see it and click on it and register and you can do all of this activities.   

Nelson mandela

L.I to make an interactive and information slide DLO about your activist.


This week for the SUMMER LEARNING JOURNEYi  colled not fined anything adout there uniforms.


This is want i fuand from the SUMMER LEARNING JOURNEY the biggest tree ever. 

Monday, 17 December 2018


The one on the top is the south island of NZ and the botm is the north island.


Hi my name is akuhata. I am in LS1 itr is fun in LS1 and i am going to tell every one adout Aotearoa.

Aotearoa is a good place that people can get food same jobs it is garet hear but i wish that you can put more images and same video in it the end

Wednesday, 12 December 2018


Today for maori we had to find want the meaning of these words and i did it all. 

kiwi can

This week was fun week for kiwi can and it was fun because we played octopus,invisible tag,and 10 sconed tag it was fun and then we played same J,K,Q.

Venn Diagram Characters

This is my Venn Diagram Characters.

Story Web

This is my Story Wed


This is my questions for the characters,


Here are all of my activities that I have done.
describe a setting
Sequence of Events
meanings of words
Character Web
Story Web
Venn Diagram Characters
Today for reding we had to finsh all of the thing that we did and i did it!! 

Tuesday, 11 December 2018

describe a setting

This is my describe a setting.

Sequence of Events

newspaper report

Today i have red the book and i hread that hercles kill his family.

meanings of words

Today i have found the thing that are in my book that i cant say.


Today for reaing i had to finsh of all of my bolgs.

Character Web

Today i had to finsh my character web and bolg all of my post.


Today for maths my group infinity was doing Subtraction we had to bo it to 10.  

Friday, 7 December 2018


Today i Commentd on Zeppiln.


Today for Cybersmart we had to fined are bigits bolg post and i got nan of the things.

Nelson Mandela

Today for inquiry me and Giovanni were lrening adout Nelson Mandela.


Today for moari we did Nga Taone o Te Ika a Maui.


LI: To understand conflict and Resolution in a fiction text
LI: To understand plot summary

Thursday, 6 December 2018

kiwi soprt

Today was are lsat day of Boxing and it was grat we did are last seshn in LS1 and it was grat agen and Mr Wong thok a phot of me playing dead and then we had to sowp ovor and Giovanni he was a good patan and then we had to stop and recap what we did to day and then we a dig phot.     

Steampunk Art

Yestrday we did steampunk Art in LS2 and it was werid frast and then it got in to me and then i did a fish and i marked up 3 of them and i ran out of spas and then i did them on the back of my art ane them i was dune.

Tuesday, 4 December 2018

Basic Facts boxes

Today i did my Basic Facts boxes and it wsa fun. 

SSR Selfie

Today i have done my ssr selfie.


Here are all of my activities that I have done.
Today for reding we had to finsh all of the thing that we did and i did it!! 

Monday, 3 December 2018

Friday, 30 November 2018


Today i have commented on Vayan i told him to make more since to the blog post.

what is peace


yesterday we had Boxing i we with Jadey we were youing noodle but this time we had 2 of them then it was my go and then we did all did the same thing and we had to onwle 1 brpi and then we had to go back to chlass.

Thursday, 29 November 2018


This week we did maori for maori we had to do this work and then we had to go on and do the list.

The Grinch

Today for writing we red The Grinch it is a good book.

SSR Selfie

Today i have dane my SSR Selfie.

kiwi can

Today for kiwi can we played snake and tic tac toe we played snake frast and it is a game if you are the tagr you haff to go on to you stamck and croll around and tag the rest of oave the peopel and how eavr is the last one wins.And then we played tic tac toe if you no how to play this it is easy you haff to go on to the chers and how eavr gets 3 gets 1 phoyt and my team one we were the footlle it was a cool name and then we did G,K,Q and then we went back to class.   

Wednesday, 28 November 2018


Today in cybersmarts we did a quiz if you want to do this you haff to go on to your drivegoogle.

Tuesday, 27 November 2018


Today for maths we did Exchanging me and Pua did $10 note for a $100 note.
And then we did $1 note for a $10 note. 

Friday, 23 November 2018


Today we did athletics i was in red team i was with Mojtaba,Victoria,Miiana,Alayah,and Pua.all oive a were trying our best to win. My brother was ther he was in the rod the nest  it was not that good for red team we only had one ball and the activities were Rod the nest,long jump,egg spoon,bean bag,   


Today i have done my commenting my and Pua are in the same group.

SSR Selfie

Today i did my SSR Selsie.

Basic facts cards

This is from my maths a did Basic facts cards.

sweet potato

Today i have dane my moari as i sed in the post i do not like sweet potato!!


Today for inquiry me and Diana did this slides i did 3 and Diana did 1. 


Today for writing we did a blog post adot the loarx it is the book and you shod red it.

Thursday, 22 November 2018


kiwi sport

Today for kiwi sport i was with Pua it was fun but i got the gloves first and Pua got the noodle and then we had to sow over and he got 1 trne.

Wednesday, 21 November 2018

kiwi can

Today for kiwi can we did handa soccer for are energizer and for are activitie it was hare becoze of Mojtaba was geting how ever is next to him i got out from him and the winners were Matthew and Angelica.