This is a cool thing that i have found from the SUMMER LEARNING JOURNEY you should go on to the LS1 sites and you will see it and click on it and register and you can do all of this activities.
Today was are lsat day of Boxing and it was grat we did are last seshn in LS1 and it was grat agen and Mr Wong thok a phot of me playing dead and then we had to sowp ovor and Giovanni he was a good patan and then we had to stop and recap what we did to day and then we a dig phot.
Yestrday we did steampunk Art in LS2 and it was werid frast and then it got in to me and then i did a fish and i marked up 3 of them and i ran out of spas and then i did them on the back of my art ane them i was dune.
yesterday we had Boxing i we with Jadey we were youing noodle but this time we had 2 of them then it was my go and then we did all did the same thing and we had to onwle 1 brpi and then we had to go back to chlass.
Today for kiwi can we played snake and tic tac toe we played snake frast and it is a game if you are the tagr you haff to go on to you stamck and croll around and tag the rest of oave the peopel and how eavr is the last one wins.And then we played tic tac toe if you no how to play this it is easy you haff to go on to the chers and how eavr gets 3 gets 1 phoyt and my team one we were the footlle it was a cool name and then we did G,K,Q and then we went back to class.
Today we did athletics i was in red team i was with Mojtaba,Victoria,Miiana,Alayah,and Pua.all oive a were trying our best to win. My brother was ther he was in the rod the nest it was not that good for red team we only had one ball and the activities were Rod the nest,long jump,egg spoon,bean bag,
Today for kiwi can we did handa soccer for are energizer and for are activitie it was hare becoze of Mojtaba was geting how ever is next to him i got out from him and the winners were Matthew and Angelica.